Nice lil view of the city on the roof top of where I was staying with Mr. Fe and B girl Nitro. In this view you can see a lil bit of the hood and if you look very carefully you can probably see some of the graff on the buildings. Hard to see though.
My morning and afternoon spot. Real good breakfast and Lunch. Here is where I got a lot of the traditional Brazilian foods here. And the best natural juices ever! Man I had steak and eggs here. Some carne guisado, and real delicious breaded chicken. The rice and beans here were off the chain. Mmmmmm. I miss it already. Damn. My favorite juice here was laranja con acerola. Basically orange and a local brazilian fruit called Acerola.
This is how a lot of the people travel in Sao Paulo. So just about every shop had a bunch of bikes outside like this. You got to watch out for these bikes when your crossing the street. They just pass by when you least expect it. Plus their fast.
This is a 24 hour fruteria. It's a fruit store that's open 24 hours and they have very delicious fruits. The food is eh, ok. But the fruits are good except for their Maracuya. The best Maracuya is in Puerto Rico but they call it Parcha. We call it passion fruit. FYI, that's one of my favorite fruits. This is where I also tried out the Acai cream with bananas. That was real good. I wish we had these in the U.S. instead of 24 hour Mcdonald's. Maybe we wouldn't have so many fat people.
Here is some local graff that I saw on the first day. This is a mural I believe. The whole city is covered with graff. Insane. Yup, yup.
Here is a gorgeous view within a national park. I forgot the name, damn it! But this is where I spent my last day in Brazil. We played around with a lil bit of futbol, went to history museum inside the park. It was a day of just relaxing and chilling. On our way out of the park we saw some young bboys getting it in. We joined them and got down a lil bit. Mr. Fe always has a lil ol' school boom box in his bag so he made sure the music was bumping. Yup!!!!!!
B Girl Nitro, Mr. Fe and Me in front of a big ass radio Prop at the last day of the event. I gave a crew shirt of mine to Mr. Fe. You know the one I always wear. lol. Nah I got like 20 of those maybe. But yea over at the event crews gave me their crew shirts out of respect. I was suprised for real. Over here in NY you got to fight for those but you probably won't get em still.
This is the dance floor where the bboys competed on. This is a dope set up. This event inspired me and also taught me a lot. Oh yea. Evolution New York here we come. Oh snap! But every where else there was nothing but cyphers. On the linoleums or even on the carpet. It didn't matter.
Check out the boom boxes. Yea this is where I got inspired to get my own collection. Tell me the wall of radios ain't dope. This collection came from 4 or 5 different guys who have about 30 to 100 each. Insane. And they all are in good condition.
Check out the tunnels downstairs in the club. haha. Yea this club is dope. The venue was an old factory refurnished into a club. Man I got to find one of these in NY. Remember the Domino Sugar Factory? It's time for a revisit. what do you think?
Yeaaaa! This is an example of their local graff style. Check out how they did that whole building. Crazy right. How do they do these things?
This is a final pic of everybody involved in the Master Crews event. Yes sir. In this pic you can see Poe 1, Wary, Me, Mr Fe, Bgirl Nitro, and a few others involved with the event. Well actually Poe 1 is taking the pic. Ooops, my bad!
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